The colours of summer / 2

I like to remember a landscape, to remember the colours, the shadows, the atmosphere. Matching it on paper brings me back the joy and peacefulness I had.

J’aime me souvenir d’un paysage, ses couleurs, ses ombres,  son atmosphere. En le reproduisant sur papier, je reproduis la joie, la paix que j’ai ressentie.


6 thoughts on “The colours of summer / 2

  1. Why we paint … because it is so wonderful to remember with the eyes … and now your memories are not just yours alone. Very lovely memory there, Ben.

  2. aloha Benedicte – it’s interesting that for me too, if i draw or paint on location i remember so much more than just the image i create. i can recall the place far better years later than by photographing it alone. it’s a much richer memory of the place for having worked there.

    looks to me like a great summer. fun. aloha.

    • It was a great summer!
      I think too that a drawing is more than a photo, When I look at sketches I did on location, even very few lines I am instantly transported back in that moment…a very effective time machine.
      thank you Rick.

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