
Exploring. Not having to think of a subject is good. I just have to think of what medium, what paper would be good for this portrait. I am still surfing on the  portrait wave!

These portraits are done for the Flickr group Julia Kay’s portrait party where artists draw artists.

The portraits I made are here and the portrait made of me are here.

Exploration…ne pas chercher un sujet a quelque chose de bon. Je n’ai qu’a chercher avec quoi et sur quoi je ferai ce portrait. Je surfe encore sur la vague portrait!

Ces portraits ont été fait pour le groupe Flickr Julia Kay’s portrait party ou des artistes dessinent des artistes.

Les portraits que j’ai fait sont ici et les portraits fait de moi sont ici

13 thoughts on “Exploring

  1. There is such a sense of exploration and fun in your portraits. I love your play with color, and you’ve done a great job of capturing likeness too.

  2. Touts sont interessants. J’aime mieux l’homme a droit. I like the tilt of the head, very expressive and lively and engaging. He seems to address the viewer. Et j’aime le premier aussi — the soft portrayal of the woman whose face is framed by her hair and also very comfortingly framed by the blue strokes of color. She looks shy.

    You really capture the sense of the personality, the consciousness of the person as though depicting thoughts and moods as well as faces.


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