New horizon

It’s been a year. I started this blog last November  and it is a good time for thinking. I am amazed, I am stunned when I look at my stats, when people leave comments, when I read other blogs of so many talented people…a new horizon opens up.

Il y a un an je commençais ce blog et c’est un bon moment pour penser un peu. Je suis émerveillée, je suis stupéfaite quand je regarde mes stats, quand des gens me laissent des commentaires, quand je lis les blogs de gens si talentueux…l’horizon s’ouvre.

4 thoughts on “New horizon

  1. Thank you very much all of you,
    I like that “convivialité” that we feel in blogs, the way we meet people, as Helena said.
    Pedro, the pleasure is reciprocal
    Virtual journey, I will follow your journey.

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